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Diagnosis and Management of Choroidal Folds

Exp: 5/19/2022
Credit Hours: 1
$19.50 USD

Course Description

Choroidal folds are a rare clinical sign found in the retina that can present unilaterally or bilaterally. Its fundus appearance consists of alternating light and dark bands found in the macula that are usually oriented horizontally but can also take on a circumferential or radial pattern.1 Even though choroidal folds often present idiopathically, they can also be an indication of a serious medical condition. Orbital tumors, hypotony, and idiopathic intracranial hypertension are some of the many possible etiologies.2 As a result, when choroidal folds are first detected, it is important to complete a proper work up to rule out a potential vision or life threatening condition. This case report will review important steps a clinician should take before reaching a diagnosis of idiopathic choroidal folds as well as review ancillary testing needed to properly diagnose and manage this condition.

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