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New Spectacle Lens Designs Specifically for the Management of Juvenile-Onset Myopia

General Optometry
Exp: 2/11/2022
Credit Hours: 1
$22.00 USD
Course Authored By: Farrah Sunderji, OD

Course Description

Evidence from studies around the world indicate an alarming increase in both the prevalence and severity of myopia among children. Two main theories of juvenile-onset myopia include the Accommodative Lag theory and the Peripheral Defocus theory. This paper describes in detail the Novel spectacle lenses specifically designed for juvenile-onset myopia management and show how they offer a practical and well-accepted modality for myopia management that can be prescribed concomitantly with other treatment options. 

This course is supported by an education grant from Carl Zeiss Vision Canada, and is made available to Canadian optometrists without cost. 

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