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CRO News


COVID-19 and Optometric Education

Will the COVID pandemic leave a gap in real-world clinical decision making among graduating optometrists and residents? Dr. Hunter sees the resilience of these trainees. Their attitude infuses clinic staff and patients with hope and confidence as they make the most out of each patient encounter.

A Look into the Future: The Genomic Age of Medicine

Dr. Kwan provides insights into the potential of the “Genomic Age” of medicine which promises game-changing new therapies to both rare inherited diseases and more common conditions, including Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) and myopia. “Hopefully the acceleration of genomics and therapeutics in the coming years will lead to a better future for each and every one of our patients.”

CRO (Clinical & Refractive Optometry) Journal Now on the Academy's List of Approved Publications.

The American Academy of Optometry (AAO) has added CRO (Clinical & Refractive Optometry) Journal to the list of journals approved for both Fellowship application and Maintenance of Fellowship (MOF).

The Value of Human Connection

As month six of the COVID-19 pandemic is upon us, I can’t help but mourn the loss of regular human connection. Even getting into my car for a short or long drive and listening to a podcast is a welcomed break from the work from home grind knowing that a human is waiting on the other side.

Living With Our Immunology and Inflammation

As we take a look at the state of health and wellbeing in our communities today, there is no doubt that the pursuit of homeostasis is somewhat of a holy grail. We are exposed to external forces and consume things that wreak havoc on our body down to the cellular level. Inflammation and attacks on our bodies’ immunology often head down a path where it becomes difficult to reverse course.