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Complicated Neurotrophic Corneal Ulcer in a Patient with Multiple Autoimmune Disorders

Trt/Mngmnt Ocular Disease
Exp: 9/8/2025
Credit Hours: 1
$19.50 USD
Course Authored By: Dale A. Woodfield, OD  |  Duane L. Tanner, OD

Course Description

Neurotrophic keratitis is a degenerative corneal disease which can be exacerbated by autoimmune disease. This case report reviews the management of a corneal ulcer secondary to neurotrophic keratitis. 

The learning objectives of this course are:

  • to develop a deeper understanding of the pathophysiology of neurotrophic keratitis and how it can lead to a corneal ulcer
  • to highlight the importance of a thorough case history when reviewing differential diagnoses
  • to provide an overview of the correct management and treatment options for neurotropic keratitis
  • to gain knowledge from a case presentation involving a patient with a neurotrophic corneal ulcer and a history of various autoimmune diseases

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