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Vision & Academics: An Introduction for the Primary Care Optometrist

Exp: 12/21/2024
Credit Hours: 1
$18.50 USD

Course Description

This course provides an overview of how children’s literacy is acquired for the primary care Optometrist, reviews how visual issues can impede this process and the rationale for Optometric Vision Therapy intervention. This is a video course.

The learning objectives of this course are:

  1. To summarize how we learn to read, not just visually but also from a phonetic and context aspect
  2. to discuss the current research on visual dysfunction and how it impacts reading ability in Canadian IEP cases (Quaid & Simpson paper in particular)
  3. to show how attention in a classroom can be affected in visual dysfunction
  4. to ensure individuals who take this course recognize signs and symptoms of visual dysfunction in children who may have an IEP in place and simple screening tests that take <5mins in a primary care setting that can be used 

You may preview a short segment of the course prior to enrollment. 
In the full course view, there is a short introduction of the instructor. 

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